Saving Search Parameters

Save your Parameters feature was designed to help save you time and organize various Screens you use everyday.

Here are 5 Tips & Hints for Help with Saving your Param Read more >>

Sector Screening Benefits

When Screening for "say" Covered Call opportunities or Naked Puts, investors should consider narrowing down their search. This search should center on stocks (companies) you feel comforta  Read more >>

Portfolio Tracker Info

OptionScanner's Portfolio Tracker allows you to track and analyze your Stock & Option positions. Begin monitoring Stock, Option, Spread, combo, and Covered Read more >>

ArticleInfo Blk5

test 45678 Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type Read more >>

Breaking down a Covered Call Trade

"Covered Call" writing has become a popular way of increasing cash flow while providing downside price protection on the underlying stock.This type of investment is generally used for income and is used a market neutral to bullish framework. Many investors maintain the viewpoint that options are "too risky" and "too complicated" for them to use. Buying options are risky, however, covered call writing (selling options on stock you own) is considered a very conservative way of increasing your portfolios cash flow and is allowed by the U.S. Government for IRA accounts. A person owning common stock in many of the companies trading on the major exchanges, may sell (w Read more >>

Cash Covered Puts

  One strategy that investors often use is the Cash Covered Put sale. This is also referred to "selling naked puts."  The object here is that if you like a stock and plan to own it, you sell a "cash covered" put for that stock instead to collect the option premium or lower your cost basis. Let the seller beware, however, that you will need to have a decent minimum cash reserve in your brokerage account to be cleared for this trade (cash equal to the strike price value minus the premium received). The benefit of selling the naked put on a stock you want to own is that you effectively take part in the trade at a discount. On a move above the strik Read more >>

Covered Call Tips

 Covered Call writing (when investors sell call options against stock they own) has been among the most popular basic Option Investing strategies. If managed correctly, it can help investors increase returns & provide extra income while offering downside Protection. This is a solid strategy for nuetral to bullish stock outlooks, but also does supply some level of downside protection on declining stocks and in bearish market environments. A few things to consider when Writing Covered Calls:

1) If it looks to good to be true, it probably is. If the potential return on Investment for a particular Covered Call is very high or much greater  Read more >>

ArticleInfo Blk9

 Brian testLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and including versions of Lorem Ipsum. test Brian testLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and including versions of Lorem Ipsum. testBrian testLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem galley of type and includi Read more >>

Screen of the Week

 SCREEN of the WEEK (FEB 2015  - High Option Yields- Technology)

This Week's Screen takes an aggressive approach and focus on High Yield Covered Call plays. Although the returns offer high potential returns, you must recognize that these are subject to greater volatility and more risk. Members can consider if these are suitable for them or not based on their risk tolerance.  The protection to the downisde on this list is 7% and covered call set up are all "near the money." There are a few different strikes for each covered call candidate. Investors with less risk tolerance can consider deeper ITM calls or alternative investments alltogether.



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